Common Names:- Lauristinus
Synonyms:- Viburnum hyemale.
Meaning:- Viburnum (L) Latin name for the wayfaring tree.
Tinus (L) Old Latin name for Lauristinus (=viburnum)
General description:- Evergreen shrub.
a) 2-4 m.
b) twigs subglabrous or sparsely pubescent, weakly angled.
c) purplish.
1) Blade:
a) 3-7 x 1·5-7 cm.
b) opposite.
c) ovate-orbicular to ovate-lanceolate, entire, obtuse or acute.
d) leathery, glabrous, shining.
e) dark green above, sparsely pubescent or glabrescent beneath.
f) petioles 0·5-1·5(-2) cm.
g) stipules absent. with c. 4 pairs of lateral veins beneath.
1) Inflorescence:
a) 4-9 cm diam.
b) peduncle 0·5-2·5 cm.
c) flowers 5-9 mm diam, uniform, fertile, pinkish outside, white inside.
1) A drupe:
a) with a single, globose pyrene.c. 8 mm.
b) subglobose, dark blue.
key features:-
1) Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, entire.
2) Twigs glabrous or sparsely pubescent.
Habitat:- Scrubland vegetation, orchards, roadside thickets, ruderal habitats by
villages. 0-400 m.
Distribution:- Aegean records almost certainly refer to subspontaneous material.
Native in Kerkira and maybe in coastal areas of the W mainland. - W & C
Mediterranean region (1) Rare on Crete currently known from only one location near
1) Atlas of the Aegean Flora (part 2 maps) Arne Strid 2016.
Flowering time:- In Apr.
Photos by:- Courtesy of Wiki-Commons.